The CARTEK Shift Light is a dashboard mounted device that is designed to indicate to the driver the optimum time to shift up a gear to obtain maximum performance from their engine.The device contains 8 multi-coloured LEDs which form a display sequence that will commence at an engine speed prior to optimum and complete at precisely the optimum speed thereby giving the driver early indication to shift up before the rev limiter is reached or engine damage occurs. 6 different light dispay patterns are available to choose from.
Shift Light (Club):
The Shift-Light (Club) requires an engine speed signal to operate which can be any RPM output from an ECU (5V or 12v square wave), tachometer signal or ignition coil signal. There is an additional RPM filter setting available designed for historic applications.
This version also includes an amber strobe alarm pattern which can be used to alert the driver of an engine issue, such as over-heating or low oil pressure, by making a connection to a compatible sensor, data logging system or dashboard alarm output signal. Please note this Shift Light is not suitable for engines with older CDI Ignition systems.
Shift Light (OBD2):
This version of the Shift Light can be plugged directly into the OBD2 port of the majority of vehicles fitted with this type of connector. It is supplied with a dedicated 1.5 meter OBD2 cable and connector so no additional wiring is necessary.
On power up the Shift Light OBD2 will search for the correct OBD2 protocol. When the engine is switched off, the Shift Light OBD2 will enter sleep mode to minimise battery consumption.